Get in touch
Director: Niels-Erik Jorgensen
Phone :
(tel:+45 41 76 20 78) or (tel:+974 3995 9178)
Email :
Website :

Who We Are ?

We are not your everyday consultant . We can anchor all the engineering, environmental science, and statistics and bundle the results into user-friendly portal software, increasing th evalue of science for our clients, our client's customers, and society. We see the AI revolution as a great opportunity for us and our clients to create creative solutions for our clients and increase effeciency. Contact us and we will also customize your solution!

Our Goals

To harness the power of IT and AI for a better world tomorrow.

Our Vision

To leverage engineering, IT, and AI in assisting societies to enhance the quality of life for their citizens.

Our Model

Many engineering companies fail to effectively leverage the knowledge they generate, resulting in losses for clients and society. NJ Data ApS is actively engaged in the endeavor of capturing and preserving this valuable knowledge through software solutions. An illustrative case of our efforts is the portal software developed for the Ministry of Municipality of Qatar, where we have effectively processed extensive volumes of meteorological data, including both raw and processed data, and provided this information to planners. New analyses done by us, the Ministry, or others are easily added to the portal.

Our Values

To improve the efficiency of Engineering To help people achieve their best in the workplace To be a great employer To fight poverty by using some of our profits to help educate people – We have programs in Egypt and Ethiopia.


Our Features

The Standard Portal can provide the following features:


> Intensity, Duration, and Frequency (IDF) curves at any location in a country or territory (spatial variations).

> Compute the design hyetograph based on the Alternate Blocking Method or Chicago Method and extract the hyetographs for the computation of flood.

> Climate change factors on rainfall.

> Sea level rise

> Derivation of average recurrence interval for individual rainfall events.

> Areal reduction factors.

> Prediction of future urban development and changes in pervious and impervious surfaces.


> Smart Monitoring and Water Management Cycle, Ministry of Municipality, Qatar.

> Multivariate distribution between wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall, KEO International Consultants, Qatar.

> Sea Outfall Assessment Study II, ASCO Engineering Consultants, Qatar.


> Making cities more resilient against climate change and adverse meteorological events for public safety.

> Improve the result of the spending on infrastructure to benefit the public.
> Help communities to make data-driven decisions.

> Retain engineering knowledge.
> Bring engineering to the people.

On the IT front:

Digital Twin – technology

Digital Twins of Real Estate Digital Twins of Real Estate Digital Twins of Real Estate

HR Systems

Time registration system Web interfaces IT Architecture

Logistical systems

DaWinci logistical system for offshore operations AWS cloud systems Web interfaces IT Architecture

Data Migration and carve-out

Migration of databases SQL and relational database Creation of migration scripts

Our Team

Niels-Erik Jorgensen


Michael Raef

Database Developer

Abhinav Gharg

Software Developer and Architect

David Marged

Software Developer

Martin Jorgensen


Mr Issam Ghariani

Data Analyst

On the PM front:

let's talk

Contact us

DIRECTOR: Niels-Erik Jorgensen